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Month: October 2020

Dried Herb Harvest

I dried a few bunches of rosemary and sage from the yard, since it’s getting colder and colder outside. A dehydrator would have worked well, but I hung them up above this mini-dehumidifier since I have it in the room with the window, and that worked fine too. No kids came for candy today because of the global plague and its effects. Happy Halloween.

October’s Harvest

These are some vegetables and herbs I harvested to cook with today. Parsley (from May’s starter), green peppers (grocery store seeds from a pepper), thyme (from seed), green onions (regrown from grocery store.) The tiny peppers are more bitter and less sweet than full-grown ones, but otherwise fine.

South Facing Window

It’s October, and it’s going to frost sometime soon, and the sunlight is getting dimmer and shorter, so I moved most of my indoor plants to the only south-facing window in the house. From the left: Dill, sweet basil that did not succumb to downy mildew, two green peppers in one pot, and the sage I bought in may that’s still growing in its little protein jug.